[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Vaginal irritation may not be the first symptom you’re keen on discussing with your partner or closest pal, but it’s indisputably a crucial topic to broach with your healthcare provider.
Described in a myriad of ways—from burning and itching to swelling and painful urination—vaginal irritation is more prevalent than you might imagine: It’s deemed the most frequent complaint in the realm of vaginal health, with
vulvovaginitis (or vaginal discomfort) affecting more than half of women over the age of 24.

There may be overlaps between the symptoms of vaginal irritation, but the potential causes are manifold. Here are five possible reasons why you’re feeling unwell
down there—and five natural ways to temper it.
What are the symptoms of vulvovaginitis?
But first, what exactly does vaginal irritation
feel like?
Also known as vaginitis and vaginal inflammation, vulvovaginitis’ primary symptoms boil down to:
- Vaginal itching or irritation
- Pain during sex or urination
- Burning and stinging
- Redness and swelling
In some cases—depending on the root cause of the issue—vaginitis may also be accompanied by vaginal discharge, light bleeding and/or spotting.
Fortunately, vaginal irritation tends to be an exceedingly treatable complication. Your first order of business is to book an appointment with your trusted medical provider to ascertain why it’s happening and determine the best route of treatment. In the meantime, weigh these possibilities:
1. Irritants—including your toilet paper
You might not immediately draw a correlation between the
toilet paper you use and the symptoms you’re experiencing. Yet, pause for a moment and think about what comes into contact with your vagina most often
other than your underwear. (Most likely? Toilet paper.) Indeed, as unlikely as it may seem, an older study featured in the medical journal
Canada Family Physician discovered that
certain types of toilet paper may trigger vaginal irritation.
Consider the list of ingredients typically used in toilet paper and you may understand why. These include:
- Chlorine
- Formaldehyde
- Additives (such as fragrances and dyes)
Some brands of toilet paper also contain ultra-soft lint, which may sound soothing in theory but can leave behind tiny pieces of irritants that only perpetuate vaginal unease. What’s more, harshly wiping the delicate vaginal area with
any type of toilet paper can create microtears that may result in stinging, swelling and infection.
Naturally, irritants aren’t exclusive to toilet paper. They can also be found in:
- Laundry detergent and softeners
- Sanitary napkins and tampons
- Scented wet wipes
- Select douches
- Spermicides and lubricants
- Body products, such as lotions and fragrance sprays
- Synthetic underwear
How can you help pinpoint if itching down south is due to irritants? In addition to our solution below, pinpoint
where the itch is stemming from: Irritants tend to aggravate the vulva (or the external part of the vagina) rather than
The solution: Switching brands of personal and feminine products.
If your primary care physician, ND or OBGYN rules out other underlying causes—which we’ll delve into below—replacing your usual Charmin with unbleached,
toxin-free toilet paper (and additive-free
personal care products) may give you the relief you’re after.
2. The ticking of the clock
The vagina may be a masterful, self-cleaning machine complete with two tiny glands—known as Bartholin glands—that, along with estrogen’s help, keep it lubricated, moist and elastic. And yet, as your body shifts from reproductive mode to
menopause, your levels of estrogen naturally decline.
Not only can this affect everything from your mood to your metabolism, but it may also influence collagen and elastin production—throughout your whole body
and in your department downstairs. This may result in vaginal thinning and dryness (or vaginal atrophy) and its consequent itchiness.
The solution: Pueraria mirifica.
Also known as Kwao Kura,
Pueraria mirifica is an herb native to Southeast Asia that is a source of phytoestrogens — or plant-based compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. Available as a topical remedy or in capsule form,
Pueraria mirifica offers menopausal support, including
supporting vaginal wellness.
3. A good, old-fashioned yeast infection
Itching, redness, swelling and burning—coupled with the presence of thick, chunky discharge—is often indicative of one of the most pervasive problems associated with vaginal health: yeast infections. Frequently caused by
candida albicans and a shortage of a “friendly” bacteria called lactobacili,
yeast infections strike three-quarters of women at least once in their lifetime.
While there may not be comfort in numbers in this case—particularly when an infection is accompanied by soreness and pain during intercourse—rest assured that yeast infections are easily treatable, especially if you take a holistic approach to rebalancing your vaginal flora.
The solution: A multi-pronged attack.
Your physician may prescribe a single-dose oral medication such as fluconazole or an OTC topical, oral, or suppository antifungal treatment like miconazole. However, your ultimate aim should be working toward a thriving
vaginal ecosystem that boasts a healthy ratio of microorganisms. To this end, you may want to curb your consumption of foods and drinks that can promote vaginal yeast, including high-glycemic fruits (like mangos, bananas, and raisins), refined sugar and alcohol, and
embrace antifungal foods, such as:
- Whole grains
- Garlic
- Onions
- Legumes
- Ginger
Select supplements may also naturally encourage vaginal health, including oregano oil and
caprylic acid—one of the leading compounds in coconut oil. Lastly, swap out your sweaty clothes for dry attire after a workout and
don’t linger too long in a wet swimsuit: Dampness creates a hotbed for unwanted bacteria.
4. #BV
Social media may have its downside, but we have to praise TikTok and its legions of followers for bringing #BV into the conversation. Standing for bacterial vaginosis, the vaginal complication is as prevalent as yeast infections (and vaginal irritation in general): It affects one in three women. Despite its ubiquity, research shows that more than half of women aren’t familiar with the condition even if they are well-versed in its symptoms, such as vaginal itchiness, burning, less-than-pleasant odors and abundant discharge.
How is bacterial vaginosis caused?
Think back to the importance of that
healthy vaginal flora. When
unfriendly bacteria dominates, it changes the vagina’s pH and makes it more alkaline, thereby provoking a BV infection. And while bacterial vaginosis is more common in those who are sexually active, it’s vital to understand that it is
not a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Rather, it’s typically triggered by menstruation, antibiotics, perfumed soaps, douching and diet.
The solution: A medical exam.
First things first: It’s crucial to see your healthcare provider, as a proper diagnosis of BV generally requires an exam and swab test. (Plus, many women don’t experience any symptoms at all.) Your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics, intravaginal gel or an antibiotic cream.
A secondary approach? Lactobacillus acidophilus suppositories, which work toward nurturing that flourishing vaginal habitat, and a diet that’s rich in pre and
probiotic eats, such as
kefir, yogurt,
oats and bananas. Further, if you are sexually active and have multiple partners, condoms are a necessity in more ways than one: They help ward off passing bacteria back and forth.
5. Razor burn
Whether you’re heading on a vacation that demands (okay,
promotes) spending most days in a swimsuit or you simply like having a smooth, clean bikini line, bear in mind that shaving your pubic hair may lead to
razor burn—and that awful itching and irritation that almost always appears in its wake.
The solution: Sitz baths.
If a rash or itching feels nearly unendurable, a thrice-daily
sitz bath, prepped with
goldenseal tea and hot water, may offer you a respite. Alternative forms of hair removal, such as
waxing, may also behoove you, but if you
do shave your southern region, exfoliate the area first, shave in the direction of your hair, always use a protective barrier between your razor and your skin (such as a gel or
cream) and follow it all up with a fragrance-free moisturizer and a pair of clean, cotton underwear.
Vaginal health is complex—and the various reasons for vaginal irritation reflect this. While these are five
of the most common causes, vulvovaginitis may also be prompted by:
- Vulvar lichen sclerosis, a rare inflammatory skin condition of the vulva
- Dermatological conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis
- Public lice, which can be spread via sex, bed linens, or towels
- Sexually transmitted infections, including trichomoniasis, genital herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia
- Improper hygiene
- Vulvar cancer
Some of these may sound alarming, yes, but a) many cases of vulvovaginitis are a cinch to clear up, and b) vaginal health and the importance of maintaining it cannot be overstated. Besides, what could be more freeing than an irritation-free life?
†These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title="Featured Products" border_width="2"][vc_row_inner equal_height="yes" content_placement="middle" gap="35"][vc_column_inner width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="174059" img_size="full" alignment="center" onclick="custom_link" img_link_target="_blank" css=".vc_custom_1711903288078{padding-right: 7% !important;padding-left: 7% !important;}" link="https://www.vitacost.com/azo-yeast-plus-homeopathic-medicine"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="174058" img_size="full" alignment="center" onclick="custom_link" img_link_target="_blank" css=".vc_custom_1711903303262{padding-right: 7% !important;padding-left: 7% !important;}" link="https://www.vitacost.com/renew-life-womens-wellness-vaginal-urinary-complete"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="174060" img_size="full" alignment="center" onclick="custom_link" img_link_target="_blank" css=".vc_custom_1711903323392{padding-right: 7% !important;padding-left: 7% !important;}" link="https://www.vitacost.com/the-honey-pot-sensitive-intimate-wipes-travel-size"][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]