NOW Health Products Available at Vitacost
NOW Solutions XyliWhite Charcoal Refresh Toothpaste Mint Description
With Activated Charcoal
Fresh Taste
Formulated with the purest ingredients
Vegetarian/vegan ingredients
Contains the whitening power of charcoal and baking soda
Contains 25% xylitol, one of the highest levels available
For adults and children
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Xylitol is harmful to pets; seek veterinary care immediately if ingestion is suspected.
Ingestion of Xylitol, in any product is a veterinary medical emergency if consumed by pets, especially dogs, ferrets and rabbits. If you suspect your pet ingested xylitol by either observing this happen or finding evidence of a chewed container or product, and the animal is acting normal, you should attempt to give animal(s) a small meal and at the same time, immediately seek veterinary medical attention. If you have evidence that they ingested a product that contains xylitol and the animal(s) is not acting normal you should seek veterinary medical attention immediately without giving the animal any food.